God’s Purpose.  Your Life.  One Journey.


Claude Hickman

Pleasant Word, 2003, 202 pp.   ISBN 1-4141-0036-1

Claude Hickman is the assistant director for The Traveling Team, a national missions mobilization movement.  His book is a strong challenge to young people to give their lives for God’s purposes.  This book is contemporary, energetic, “all out.”  Give it to every young person you know. 


“The more I grew spiritually the more I realized that God was not really interested in me Christianizing my life as much as He was interested in me crucifying my life.” (10)


“This generation is on an aggressive search for purpose.”  (18)


“Life is too short to be harmless!”  (18)


“God isn’t interested in joining your journey.  You were created for His.” (19)


“Don’t be afraid of the unknown on the journey; be afraid of missing the life God has appointed you to live.” (20)


“The journey is the process in history and in your life where God brings all the ‘pieces’ together for the good of His final purpose.” (21)


“You can’t entrust your life to maps.  The only way to be sure of your course in life is to trust...a compass.  A you direction.”  “The great thing is that every believer gets a compass: knowledge of the general overarching purposes of God.”  “Once I discovered what God was doing, I had a North Star to live my life by.” (21-22)


“God gives people direction more than directions.” (25)


“It is almost like we just Christianize whatever we want to do and call it ministry.” (25)


“It’s not about changing vocations, but about changing our passions.” (26)


“This generation’s worst fear is that they will choose the wrong path and miss their destiny.” (26) “The to know what is truly supreme in life; to have a North Star passion.” (27)


“No one has the boldness to tell anyone they are wasting their life on temporal things.” (28)


“Just because you read your Bible, go to church, throw in a college degree, achieve some impressive accomplishments and raise a good family and shake those all up in a long life, it doesn’t mean that out falls a life that counted for the eternal.” (31)


“We must begin the journey of finding our purpose with His end in mind—the fulfillment of the Great Commission.” (31)


“If you live without a vision of the glory of God filling the whole earth, you are in danger of serving your own dreams of greatness....” (35, quoting Floyd McClung)


“I was getting some great maps for my life, but I was locked in on a wrong destination.”  “I had planned my life around the things that God was silent about instead of what He was clear about in His word.” (36-37)


“All the Christians we know are headed the same direction.  As we look around, the lifestyle and pursuits of the average Christian look extraordinarily similar to the lifestyle and pursuits of the average non-Christian.” “This has damaging effects on our evangelism and paralyzing effects in our church.” (39)


The destination I was created for is God’s glory in all the earth. (40) 


Don’t seek a map.  Seek a compass.  A compass is grounded in something outside of yourself.  “The compass of God’s purpose allows us to have something to gauge our maps by.” (41)


“The story of God accomplishing His mission is the plot of the entire Bible.  God’s mission is the backbone upon which the Bible is built and is best understood.  Therefore, God’s mission is the reason there is a Bible at all.” (43, quoting Steve Hawthorne)


“God has one mission—all nations, and one method—all believers.” (45)


“The story of the Bible is a story of God’s plan to gather the worship of all the nations that He has created.” (47)  “The compass of God’s purpose points toward this one end.” (50)


“The people God uses in His journey are not people who have incredible, unwavering faith; so much as they are normal people that are willing to take the next step....” (51)


“God’s purpose for the world is not just to save the lost, but to fill the earth with the knowledge of His greatness....” (52)


“The gospel has the authority to interrupt the course of your life.” (55)


“You cannot walk both your journey and God’s.  There is only room in life for one journey.” (56)


“The great fear of most of this generation [is] to give their lives to the things that don’t really matter.” (57)


“If you are a Christian, you are in the family and responsible for the family mission—the salvation of all the nations.” (62)


“His plan for the nations is that they would become loving worshippers of God, captured by His glory and in awe of His holiness.” (80)


“No one sins in a box.  Our sin, mine included, effects [sic] not only those around us, but it stains the very name of God.”  “No wonder no one is running to the church.” (85)


“The gospel is not only for us.  He died not only for our sins but for the sins of the whole world (I John 2:2).  He chooses us to be the vehicle that spreads His fame into all the world.” (96)


“There is a selfish side of Christianity.  It is masked as love for Jesus, but really it is just a love for His gifts.” (101)


“The only way to reach all the nations is by sending people to all the nations.” (106)


“All believers are expected, like Paul, to align their lives with God’s global purpose and be a channel of the gospel to all the nations.” (107)


“America has over 400,000 churches and over 1 million Christian workers.  That is one full-time Christian minister...for every 250 people here.”  By contrast, Iran has 1 missionary for every 3 million people.  India has 1 missionary for every 2 million people.  (124-25)


Many of us are not looking for a missionary call.  It would take a shove.  “If every Christian is already considered a missionary, then all can stay put where they are, and nobody needs to get up and go anywhere to preach the gospel.” (126, quoting C. Gordon Olson)


“Most people think the world is like a pancake.  When you pour on the syrup it spreads over the entire pancake.  But the world is like a waffle, with many pockets of people groups, and the gospel doesn’t spread. (130-31)


“One of the greatest obstacles right now to the Great Commission is Christian parents.” (137)


“The reason there is a 10/40 Window is Christians are busy doing great Christian things.” (143)


“There is a subtleness to the American Dream that has snuck up on the church.  Now you can go to church, live a moral life, raise a good family, but ultimately live for yourself....”  “It is deadly to evangelism because no one wants to follow a church full of people claiming to live for Heaven, but running after the same carrots they chase after.”   “The drug of the American Dream kills the brain cells of eternal thinking.” (147)


“The way to win in life and to finish the journey is to live with a vision of the end.  Even though you are a great distance away you ‘see it.’”  “This is what I mean by living by the compass.  It is living life on purpose, directing the daily decisions of your life by the true north of God’s purposes toward the world.” (164)


“Are the things you are living for, worth Christ dying for?” (166, Leonard Ravenhill’s gravestone)


“If you are going to walk the journey, you must be open to the option of going long-term.  The command has been for us to ‘go.’  If the journey is going to be completed, it will hinge on an army of relentless, passionate goers.  The way to find your specific niche in the journey and exactly where God’s purpose is for your life is to obey and see.” (179)


“Everybody wants to follow someone that is going somewhere with a purpose.” (182)


“You were created for this one journey.  Take your next step.” (202)


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